Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reading Roundup: Jan 23

Reading Roundup is a regular feature of WebEchoes. It exists to limit the number of "read this" posts with minimal commentary on my part.

A site dedicated to custom bike hacks, inventive ways to use bike parts or cobble together addons to make life with a bike just a tad better. Thanks to Fritz at Cyclelicious for linking them.

But What If We HAVE To Do It?
Terry Tamminem writing at Fast Company Expert Blogs suggests that it is possible to cut US energy per capita usage and green house gas emissions in 20 years. And California and the EU can show the way. Stay tuned for top five ways how.

Electric Vehicle Battery Primer: A Conversation with John Voelcker « Earth2Tech
Just what the title says, a brief discussion of the challenges of batteries for EV applications.

Windy Payback Time: Wind Turbines and their Life Cycle Impacts : TreeHugger
Not counting "visual" costs for those that find them unsightly and other unquantifiable items, how long does it take for a windmill to generate the equivalent energy to its manufacture.

Ironweed Film Club | Ironweed
Interesting Idea - A DVD of the month subscription service for social and environmental films. I'd be happier if it was more netflix like, I don't want to own the darn things and have more plastic cluttering the house.

Meet Trev, the Two-seater, Renewable Energy Vehicle : TreeHugger
Not quite as unique as the Aptera tadpole look, but an interesting all electric vehicle nonetheless.

Treadmills Suck. (Kilowatts) : TreeHugger
Wow. Who knew that getting fit cost so much electricity. Glad that I tend to use self-powering ellipticals and exercise bikes.

Hrm, a preponderance of links to Treehugger in this edition.