Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Food Subsidies vs Dietary Recommendations

I'm on a food kick at the moment, please bear with me. I'm currently reading Omnivore's Dilemma. I have only finished the first section which takes a look at the ways that corn takes a part in the US food chain. Keeping in mind how much corn gets directed into feeding cattle, chicken, and pigs, here's a nice visual of how government policy and subsidies don't match the dietary recommendations produced by that same government.

Graphic courtesy of an article on Celsias.


CSW said...

I read the Omnivores Dilemma a year and a half ago...gave up beef, gave up soda, gave up processed foods, joined a CSA, and almost completely stopped eating out. In one year I lost 20 pounds and I wasn't even trying to diet at all. Now all I want to do is eat fruits and vegetables all the time. I'm gradually becoming a vegetarian just because I only eat meat when my body asks for it, which is usually only the day after a good workout.

Matt said...

I've been trying to eat less meat, partly for the ethics of "industrial" meat (not a new phenomenon), partly for the cost of meats, and partly because I don't think that animal protiens are a critical part of the diet.

I can't afford to take the weight loss that you mention, and am in fact trying to gain a little weight, but I'm using nuts, seeds, beans, etc. to gain the extra protein (and to keep me powered up for cycling).